Mr. Parekh, has just got married, and is looking to set some
long term goals that he can benefit from in the future. On a recent
visit to the bank, he sat with his relationship manager who was advising
him on what he can do to give his money the chance to multiply. Life
insurance was one practical avenue his relationship manager advised him
to consider. Out came a well structured presentation to show Mr. Parekh
how he can make all his future dreams come true.
Redirection is changing the entire fund allocation for future savings. This means putting future premiums / top-ups in completely different funds, again offering him the flexibility to change based on his needs. Even if he redirects his funds for future premiums, his past premiums still remain the same. Isn't that just tailor-made investing?
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I'm no longer worried about the future, at least not now when I have a solid long term savings and protection plan.
Savings discipline
putting aside a part of Mr. Parekh's savings into a life insurance
policy, not only will it build the habit of disciplined savings, but it
will also allow him to protect himself and his family. Putting a little
every month in a life insurance premium will help him accumulate funds which his family can benefit from in the future.
No compromise on short term goals either
a little every month still leaves Mr. Parekh enough to enjoy himself in
the present. What is even better is that this little he sets aside
every month just keeps growing. So years from now he will have enough
accumulated wealth to fulfil his bigger, long term needs. This is
brilliant! He can have his cake and eat it too.
Terminate the scare of Inflation
in India is at an average of 8% per year. If Mr. Parekh keeps enough of
his income to counter his monthly expenses and a little bit is
contributed to a long term savings plan, then he can see his money grow.
Let inflation try and strike him but it won't succeed, because his long
term savings will multiply and help him counter the growing rate of
inflation. His worries about the future seems so much more under control
now. There is now a formula to tackle inflation.
A place to run to in case of emergencies,
advantage of saving in just the right life insurance plan is that now
Mr. Parekh has the ability to dip into his accumulating benefits to meet
his life stage needs like loan payments and car and house EMI payments,
etc. If he needs help with emergencies, his life insurance policy is
there for him. If he doesn't, well, it will just continue to grow so
that it can protect him in the future.
Switch, and redirect!
Switching is changing the proportion in which the premium
has been invested. This can be clearly understood in Unit Linked
Insurance Plans. Usually premiums are divided in various funds depending
on the risk appetite of an individual. Switching involves changing this
proportion by investing more in certain funds and less in certain
others. Well, Mr. Parekh has the flexibility to change the proportion of
his savings in certain funds, depending on his risk appetite and the
market environment from time to time.Redirection is changing the entire fund allocation for future savings. This means putting future premiums / top-ups in completely different funds, again offering him the flexibility to change based on his needs. Even if he redirects his funds for future premiums, his past premiums still remain the same. Isn't that just tailor-made investing?
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