Saturday, 25 August 2012

Best Child insurance plan in India by HDFC insurance plans

Why do I need Children’s Plans?

Children's Plans helps you save so that you can fulfill your child's dreams and aspirations. These plans go a long way in securing your child's future by financing the key milestones in their lives even if you are no longer around to oversee them. As a parent, you wish to provide your child with the very best that life offers, the best possible education, marriage and life style.
Most of these goals have a price tag attached and unless you plan your finances carefully, you may not be able to provide the required economic support to your child when you need it the most. For example, with the high and rising costs of education, if you are not financially prepared, your child may miss an opportunity of a lifetime.
Today, a 2-year MBA course at a premiere management institute would cost you nearly Rs. 3,00,000/- At a assumed 6% rate of inflation per annum, 20 years later, you would need almost Rs. 9,07,680/- to finance your child's MBA degree.
An illustration of how education expenses could rise with passing time due to inflation
Children’s Education Plan Graph Source: HDFC Standard Life Survey 2008. Inflation assumed as 6% p.a.
So, how can you cope with these costs? Children's Plans help you save steadily over the long term so that you can secure your child's future needs, be it higher education, marriage or anything else. A small sum invested by you regularly can help you build a decent corpus over a period of time and go a long way in providing your child a secured financial future alongwith

Types of Children's Plans

Our range of Children's Plans includes
Conventional Plans Unit Linked Insurance Plans
  • HDFC Children's Plan
  • HDFC SL YoungStar Super II
  • HDFC SL YoungStar Super Premium

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Best Life insurance plans in LIC India

Latest plans in LIC

As individuals it is inherent to differ. Each individual's insurance needs and requirements are different from that of the others. LIC's Insurance Plans are policies that talk to you individually and give you the most suitable options that can fit your requirement.
Bima Account 1
Bima Account 2

Endowment Plus

Jeevan Anurag Komal Jeevan
CDA Endowment Vesting At 21 Marriage Endowment Or
Educational Annuity Plan
CDA Endowment Vesting At 18
Jeevan Kishore Jeevan Chhaya
Child Career Plan Child Future Plan
Jeevan Ankur

Jeevan Aadhar
Jeevan Vishwas

The Endowment Assurance Policy
The Endowment Assurance Policy-Limited Payment
Jeevan Mitra(Double Cover Endowment Plan)
Jeevan Mitra(Triple Cover Endowment Plan)
Jeevan Anand
New Janaraksha Plan
Jeevan Amrit
Jeevan Vaibhav (Single Premium Endowment Assurance Plan)

Jeevan Shree-I
Jeevan Pramukh

The Money Back Policy-20 Years
The Money Back Policy-25 Years
Jeevan Surabhi-15 Years
Jeevan Surabhi-20 Years
Jeevan Surabhi-25 Years
Bima Bachat

Jeevan Bharati - I

The Whole Life Policy
The Whole Life Policy- Limited Payment
The Whole Life Policy- Single Premium
Jeevan Anand
Jeevan Tarang

Two Year Temporary Assurance Policy
The Convertible Term Assurance Policy
Anmol Jeevan-I
Amulya Jeevan-I

lic Jeevan Saathi

lic Mortgage Redemption
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All Right Reserve to Insurance Plans India